

2. 20107月僑聯舉行新移民法論壇,反映亞裔對亞省新移民法的關注。

3. 201012月僑聯舉行工作會議,總結2010年工作,對2011年國慶和選美作出部署。決定開展獎學金,培養青年領導,年度野餐,年度聚會等活動。

4. 201012月僑聯成員中餐館協會給無家可歸者送免費食物。

5. 20111月亞省華裔女議員余艷芬連任宣誓就職。

6. 20111月僑聯代表參加州長珍布魯爾就職典禮。

7. 20111月台灣中華民國僑務委員長吳英毅訪問鳳凰城,並為康樂老人公寓預落成剪彩。

8. 20112月中華文化週在中糧文化廣場舉行。

9. 20113月康樂老人公寓舉行落成典禮,中國駐洛杉磯總領館發來賀信,眾議員余艷芬,聯邦政府和鳳凰城市政府均派代表出席。

10. 20113月僑聯發起為日本地震救災募款。

11. 20113月僑聯總會召開年度大會,通過修改後的新章程,本會中文名稱定名為“大鳳凰城華人僑團聯合總會,並選出2011-2012年度新職員,鄧朝駒再次當選為主席。余長全,張華芳,朱yi華當選為副主席。

12. 20113月新任中國駐洛杉磯總領事邱紹芳訪問亞省,會見並宴請僑聯各社團僑領。

13. 20113月僑聯歡迎廣東省開平市市長率代表團訪問鳳凰城。

14. 20114月僑聯歡迎四川省成都市媒體代表團參觀鳳凰城。

15. 20115月斐匿中文學校舉行學期結業典禮。

16. 20115月僑聯舉辦慶祝母親節晚會,笑星蔡嘎亮表演脫口秀。

17. 20115月應僑聯成員華人耆英會的邀請,大華府地區華美老年協會訪問鳳凰城進行聯歡交流活動。今年選美佳麗參與活動並為老人們服務。

18. 20115月僑聯組織選美佳麗訪問洛杉磯中華會館和鳳凰衛視美洲台。

19. 20116月僑聯組織選美佳麗和僑聯義工到8號公共電視台開展公益活動。



July 2010 to June 2011

2010 – July 4th                   Festive annual Celebration of the Independence of the United States of America with the traditional Beauty Pageant.  Miss Janet Zhou is crowned Miss Phoenix Chinese United for 2010.

– July                                   Forum for entire Asian American community leaders on Arizona’s new law,

                                             “Senate Bill 1070” for implications about immigration, reflecting wide interest

                                             in the community.

– December                        CUAGP leadership working conference to review 2010 and to consider goals

                                             and activities for 2011.  These will include the July 4th celebration, but also aim

                              to launch new endeavors:  1)  a scholarship program; 2) a youth leadership

               academy; 3) an annual community unity picnic in early autumn; and 4) an

               annual banquet in the later autumn.

– December 4                     Chinese Restaurant Association provides its annual Feed the Homeless Program.

2011 – January    Ms. Kimberly Yee is sworn in as first Chinese-American woman to be elected to

                                             the House of Representatives of the State of Arizona.

– January                             A delegation of CUAGP leadership attends the inauguration of Ms. Jan Brewer as the 22nd Governor of Arizona.

– January                             Mr. Wu Yingyi, Minister of State as Overseas Compatriots Affairs

                                             Commissioner of the Republic of China on Taiwan, attends the pre-Grand

                                             Opening ribbon-cutting at the Hong Lok House for senior citizens (Kangle

                                             Daxia), made possible by CUAGP providing the land for construction.

– February                           Chinese Week, originally a Festival of CUAGP, launches the Chinese New Year

                                             Season for the Year of the Rabbit at the COFCO Chinese Cultural Center.

– March                Grand Opening of the Hong Lok House with congratulatory greetings from the

                                             Consul-General of the People’s Republic of China/Los Angeles, attended by

                                             official representatives of the City of Phoenix and the U.S. Department of

                                             Housing and Urban Development, and followed by festive banquet.

– March                               CUAGP launches charity drive to assist victims of Japan earthquake/tsunami

– March                Annual General Meeting of CUAGP.  Revised By-laws are adopted and the

                                             official names in Chinese and English updated.  Elections were conducted with

                                             Garry Ong re-elected as president.  Rudy Yee, Helen Zhang, and Eva Li are also

                                             installed as vice presidents.  Two new community non-profit organizations are

                                             approved for membership.

– March                               CUAGP and other community organizations welcome visit by Los Angeles Consul-General of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Qiu Shaofang

– March                               CUAGP and other community organizations welcome visit by delegation from Kaiping City in Guangdong Province, led by its mayor.

– April                                 CUAGP welcomes a delegation of media professionals from Chengdu City, capital of Sichuan Province.

– May                                  Phoenix Chinese School, subsidiary of CUAGP, holds Graduation and End-of-Year party after another successful year with continued progress.   

– May                                  CUAGP sponsors an inaugural community-wide Mother’s Day Celebration with special comedic entertainment by celebrity Mr. Cai Galiang.

– May                                  CUAGP and the Phoenix Chinese Senior Citizens Association welcome an

                                             exchange visit by a delegation from the Hua Mei Seniors Association of the

                                             Greater Washington DC area.  2011 beauty contestants attended and severed to       


– May                                  CUAGP with the 2011 beauty contestants conduct an exchange visit to the Los

                                             Angeles Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and to the Phoenix’                                                                   Channel (satellite broadcasting station) in Irwindale CA.

– June                                  CUAGP volunteers and beauty contestants fully staff an evening of the PBS Channel 8 KAET fund-raising telethon.